
The Men’s Seersucker Suit: 4 Tips to Look Your Best.

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The days are getting warmer and warmer, and you might feel the need for a change. For these heated days, a smart option to beat the heat is to add a men’s seersucker suit to your wardrobe. What’s that? You don’t know what a seersucker suit is? That’s okay – we’re going to break it down for you.


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A seersucker suit is made of thin cotton, usually in a striped pattern. Stylish, comfortable and breathable, here’s how the classy gentleman can stay comfy, confident and outstanding on his hotter days with seersucker.

Cool as a cucumber.

Comfort is a big deal where clothes are considered. Your favorite clothes are probably your version of a combination of stylish and comfortable. The men’s seersucker suit is this exactly. The fact that the seersucker suit is totally made of cotton should speak for itself. Cotton is one of most breathable materials that suits can be made of. It is also very soft, giving you a two for one special in the comfort area. Your summer days don’t have to be hot, sweaty and uncomfortable. Cool sounds pretty good right now, doesn’t it?

Earn your stripes.

What makes the men’s seersucker suit really stand out in the crowd of other suits in your wardrobe? The stripe pattern is of course the defining characteristic, especially at first glance. The stripes of your seersucker suit set the tone for the overall effect your suit creates. Traditionally, the stripes are on the thicker side and they create an air of formality around the wearer. Skinnier stripes are a modern day fashion take on the seersucker, taking away a lot of the formality but still leaving you with a stylish, trendy look.

Access (ories) granted.

Cracking the code for accessorizing with your seersucker is pretty simple. It is important to remember not to overdo it. The suit itself is the main character, you don’t need to draw attention to anything else. Subtlety is key. Solid colours are a good idea for your shirts. You can also add a tie to the fold if you like, just be careful with your selection. A really nice pair of suede shoes can really bring the entire look together, making you look phenomenal from top to bottom.

Find Quality Ties on Amazon.

Fit as a Fiddle.

As you know, any suit can look fantastic on the rack. It may look great sitting in your closet, but it is crucial that it fits you as well as or even better than how it looks on the rack. So, what is the perfect fit? Avoid the baggy, oversized fit for your seersucker suit. If you don’t you will be stuck with suit that makes you look like a cartoon character or a clown.

While you should stay far away from a baggy suit, you really shouldn’t go SUPER tight with your seersucker suit as well. Making your suit too tight may cause discomfort and it destroys the relaxed look you should be aiming for.

Wrap Up.

Men’s seersucker suits are indeed a superb selection for the summer days when the heat is against you. Looking wonderful while beating the heat can be a task, but the seersucker simplifies it for you. Get the right fit, accessorize effectively and the suit will do the rest. No worries, right?

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