Health & Fitness

8 Men’s Style Secrets to Help You Look 10 Pounds Lighter INSTANTLY

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We can’t all have the body of Brad Pitt or Ryan Gosling. Well that’s not truewe can IF we’re willing to put in those long, hard hours at the gym.  In the meantime though, we sometimes need a little extra help with hiding our works of art in progress ;).  Clothing and the way you approach your style can have a lot to do with how you appear on the outside. As a matter of fact, you could essentially shed some extra pounds off of your look with a few simple style alterations.  Here’s a few things you can try out right now in front of the mirror.

Wear Blacks

This one may sound familiar and is suggested as part of a plethora of women’s fashion tips on looking leaner, but there is good reason behind why black looks slimmer on you.  It all comes down to limiting the amount of depth that can be perceived by the eye – so more black equals a thinner profile because any unwanted bulges will be harder to detect.

Good Posture

posturephoto credit: Mirrored

Posture is a common culprit behind giving a false impression of your true size.  Sometimes this takes a lot of work to correct, but you can test this style tip yourself and see just how standing up with a straighter back can tighten your midsection and provide a slimmer profile – instantly.

Wear jackets your size

Men often wear jackets that are too big for them.  While this might seem to be no big deal at the time of purchase, jacket’s that have extra material that can be bunched up around the midsection will often make someone appear like they have a large gut, even if they don’t.

Choose your pants wisely

Flat front or skinny jeans can have an amazing slimming effect when coupled with the tips given above.  Make sure they match your outfit though, don’t sacrifice sound men’s style just to slim down those legs.

Don’t wear turtlenecks, wear V-necks

v-neck-turtleneckphoto credit: Nan at Perla’s

An easy mistake to make when you are in the process of slimming down is to wear turtleneck sweaters and crewcut shirts.  This can create a “ballooning” type of style that makes you look chubbier in the face.   Instead, grab some V-neck shirts to draw the eyes away and direct them to other parts like your outfit – not allowing them to settle on one place.

Make sure your clothes fit

Whether you wear skinny jeans or regular t-shirts, make sure they fit. The last thing you want is to wear your clothes so tight that you look like meat in a sausage casing. Not too loose and not too tight is your mantra.

Don’t go too bold

If you’re going for the Hawaiian shirt and graphic t-shirts men’s style choices, you could be committing a cardinal sin for men’s style, especially for larger frames.  Complex patterns don’t hide anything, they just cause more staring.  If you’re going to wear a Hawaii style shirt, look at wearing a black undershirt to neutralize the effect.

Light as a feather

Last, but not least, is the material of the clothes you wear.  Just by avoiding heavy materials like wool, heavy cotton, and canvas materials, you will automatically be slimming down your profile.  Another benefit to traveling lighter is that you will sweat less, therefore avoiding the stereotypical “big guy out-of-shape” symptom.

So what do you think? Are there any other tips you would like to add? Let us know!

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