
The Wool Suit: Let’s Talk.

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When you think of the best materials or fabrics for a great suit, wool is always right there at the top, along with cotton. Why is this though? What makes it ideal for making great clothing? And why is a wool suit such a big deal? Everybody knows that it is the best option for keeping you warm when the frosty season comes around, but that can’t be the only reason why it is such a popular choice, can it? Classy, comfy and confident, here’s why the professional gentleman’s answer to wool suits is almost always yes.


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Which is right for you?

Selecting wool as your material for your suit is a great choice, but there are different types of wool and knowing the different ones and their properties plays a role in your experience with a wool suit. Some types of wool are cashmere, camel hair and virgin wool. These types of wool are rich and soft and are also considerably lightweight. They also water resistant and have great elasticity. Not to mention that the insulation of these are awesome!

The Wool Suit: Let it breathe.

After-wear care and storage is an important yet undervalued topic when discussing suits. How you treat your suit shows in its longevity. This truth is no different when dealing with wool suits. Hanging your wool suit on a wide shoulder suit hanger ensures that your suit retains its appropriate shape and also keeps those annoying wrinkles down to a minimum. You should also keep a considerable amount of space between your wool suits when they are in your wardrobe or closet, allowing them to breathe freely and effectively. A little bit of care and knowledge goes a long way, doesn’t it?

Love your laundry.

You may be thinking that your wool suits are just like regular clothes and you can just clean them at home like the rest of your wardrobe. This seems like a good idea, right? Don’t you believe it for one second! Dry cleaning is the best option for your wool suits. Your wool suit has very delicate and fine fibers, so it is best to be left for the professionals who are versed in cleaning and taking care of these types of clothes. That is, if you want the best treatment for your suit. Your suit ironing should also be left to the pros.

Wool Suit: Fireproof?

Ok, so fireproof is a bit of a stretch. Putting on a wool suit won’t make you the next candidate to be the Human Torch, but wool is definitely fire retardant. This is a handy special property that may be your salvation when you least expect it. It’s probably not the best costume but a wool suit might just be your hero someday.

Find quality wool suits here.

Wrapping it up.

A wool suit is certainly a must for your closet. By keeping in mind the different wool types, knowing the best ways to take care of your wool suit and appreciating its most appealing properties, you’ll soon find out just why the wool suit has made its mark on the suit world.

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